
Letter from a Broken Heart:
Silkscreen and linocut

Dear Dean,

What is love?  Is it that passion you feel when you first meet someone and a hot current runs from your fingertips down to your thighs.  Is it that anticipatory excitement you feel at the bottom of your stomach even if you haven’t eaten for days?

Thoughts.  Feelings.  Smells.  Touch.  Vibrations.  Yes, it is the vibrations.  Some type of electric current that shoots through your veins so fast that all you can do is shudder. An intense passionate heat! Not the kind of heat that I experienced in DC the other day when the temperature reached 106 degrees.  Not the kind of heat I felt when I got burned by fire when frying that catfish.  Not the kind of heat I felt when my blood pressure went to stroke levels, I broke into a sweat, and passed out on the concrete pavement. 

Love is fire.  Fire that starts out as a thought . . . becomes a beautiful flame.  

Fire, if not handled with care, will burn, scorch, suffocate, and cause total destruction.



©2014 Suzanne Coley
Letter from a Broken Heart series, 2014
