Artists & Libraries

Seeing, Documenting, Recording

life captured in color, form, texture
recorded in its own special language
 as technically challenging as Russian, Latin
read according to proficiencies

Center page, linocut on handmade paper from ex-library book, 2014 Suzanne Coley
marks made according to what we see
what we hear, what we experience
brief life of search and discovery
carefully crafted cultural histories

detail of page from artist's book by Suzanne Coley, 2014
some document with the precision of a mamiya dm56
some record internal rhythms of the soul
some channel dark matter and give it light
some tell stories of lives lived beneath radar

pages from artist's book Gold Teeth, Suzanne Coley 2014
once it is recorded, documented, bound, 
where will it live?
who will see it?
