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Showing posts from July, 2013

Aesop's Fables, Part I

A Baltimore Tale Book Arts in Baltimore 2013 is all about Aesop's Fables aka A9 My biggest fans are children under eleven. Every summer I teach a group of children book arts  and storytelling. This summer I took down a few children's books  from my library and  had them select the ones they wanted to read. At first, they selected all the modern children's books. After lunch when they were "playing," one child pulled out an old, tattered edition of Aesop's Fables  and began reading it to the group.  They  didn't stop reading and laughing until they  reached the end.   Lesson: We can learn a lot from children.

Armed with a Library Card

Lady of Letters


Inspired by Nicolai V.  Gorgol's  The Portrait   с тем, чтобы рассмотреть эти чудные глаза,  и с ужасом заметил,  что они точно глядят на него.  Это уже не была копия с натуры, это  была та странная живость, которою бы озарилось  лицо мертвеца, вставшего из могилы. Свет ли месяца,  несущий с собой бред мечты и  облекающий все в иные образы, противоположные  положительному дню ( sic) , или что другое было причиною  тому... He again approached the portrait  to look closer at those  wonderful eyes,  and noticed, to his horror,  that they were actually staring at him.   This was no longer a  copy from nature; it  was the kind of life that could have lit up  the face of a dead man risen from the grave.  Whether it was the moonlight which brought with it delirium of a dream and  draped everything in different shapes contrary to  the ce...

Underwent a series of crises

each more intense and nerve wrecking than the last one . . .  Printmaking with collage from journal page, 2013 

Recordings of daily life

when polynomials turn into language Hand bound artist's books about cancer, Suzanne Coley

Reflections of a life once lived

short circuit through time memories Artist's book by Suzanne Coley

Handmade postcards go to . . .

On 6/22, I posted that I had three postcards left  and I would give them away on July 15th.  I did. Blue Nature, 2013 linocut postcard On Tuesday, July 16th I mailed them to Fortuna Postcard an artist living in the city that houses I Never Thought I'd Be The One postcard the work of my favorite artist -- Georgia O'Keeffe . Postcards and handmade book with matching protective box ready for shipping.

Tools of the Trade: Bone Folders

by Suzanne Coley Bone folders are my extra fingers when  binding books and making boxes. Bone folders from my studio, Suzanne Coley #1 Teflon bone folder - used for smoothing, pressing, folding, shaping. #2, #3, #4 - antique genuine bone folders given to me by a retired master bookbinder, made in Germany - used for delicate work and conservation. #5 - wooden Potter's rib - used for difficult spots in large boxes.  Great for smoothing and shaping. #6, #7 modern genuine bone folders - used for scoring and turning corners when binding books. #8 Teflon bone folder - nothing sticks to them and they don't leave marks. Bone folders are great for crisp clean folds and creases.  Suzanne Coley My fingers may grip, pinch, and pick up things, but my bone folders are stronger, smaller, larger, rounder, skinner, flatter, sturdier, and can be sanded  into other types of shapes.   My bone folders  score, press, shape, burnis...

626 - Marks Made with Pressure

Concerning the Spiritual in Book Arts 626 - Marks Made with Pressure, 2013 Book Arts Experimenting with new forms and book art constructions. (materials: handmade paper; 3 color silkscreen; acrylic paints; soft pastel sticks; stencils; hardboard; binder's board; PVA glue )

Letter from a homeless man

A year ago I was working on a series of  handwritten letters  called "Letters from a Broken Heart" Letter from a homeless man , 2013 for upcoming series Letters From a Broken Heart. I didn't think the series was as compelling as my other works and I put all the letters, research, drawings, and journal in a box.  Today I opened the box. To Whom It May Concern: I used to look like those urbane movie stars of the 50's. Dark hair, dark suit, dark shoes, cool smokes. Days full of life, work, and family.  I can't say it was one thing that changed it all, but a series of little things that turned into one big, huge, gigantic misunderstanding.  Yes, it was a misunderstanding. Like August trash left in front of your door and then you're locked out and have to sleep on it. Then there's a strike and a layoff. and everything dies like a neglected garden. I don't mean to, I mean, well, I am not sure wh...

Handmade books, boxes and booXes

I finally finished the  design  templates for  BooXes and the little books and  handmade papers that go inside. The little red book, Truth 7 that goes inside Ghost Whisperer booX. Detail image of little red book,  Truth 7 I still need to work out a few more details, but for the most part, I was able to achieve the rounded book structures I set out to create. I found traditional binder's board and  hardboard the best materials for my 3D book structures. They were easy to carve and I  could add a lot of paints and textures without compromising their shapes.

Gold Leaf Experiments

 Gold Leaf Imitation vs. Genuine 12K gold leaf on handmade paper Growing up in NYC there were a lot of  art stores, and it was easy to get art supplies.  So when I was younger,  I always  bought what was in stock (at my price range), imitation gold.  When I began traveling    I had to shop in other  places for  gold leaf. I came across a new world of  of gold leaf,  the real stuff: Genuine 12K Gold leaf Genuine 18K Gold leaf Genuine 22K Gold leaf Genuine 24K Gold leaf Genuine 24 double Karat Gold leaf And they work great! Amazingly great! 12K gold is a very light yellow hue and  works well with dark colored papers. As you increase the karats, the golden hue becomes richer and deeper. So what is the difference besides the richer colors? Imitation gold is a mixture of copper, brass and zinc and tarnishes and oxidizes (turns greenish) if it isn't properly sealed.  Im...

Women Artists - 1960's

Positive Space Every time I move, I realize how many books I have collected over the years. Last week I donated several  boxes  of books.   While going through the titles, I decided to keep books  written or illustrated by  women who I couldn't easily find on  the Internet and in  museums. Starting today, I will periodically write about them. Mary Jane Gorton Illustrations Published 1963, Mary Jane Gorton illustrated the cover and all 9 images in this book. The best company is a good book. Page 36,  Illustration by Mary Jane Gorton.  Page  37 "wise sayings". I love her illustrations and designs. Her use of positive  and negative space creates compelling and  powerful compositions. 

6 Moons

from laughter the time must come when we walk alone, see the world for what it is. learn how to read the motion of the moons with our eyes closed.  

50 lbs of Vision

Today my vision  weighed  50 lbs

Tompkins Square Park

breaks from city life Triptych book , Summer 2009 cracked pavements  three blocks south on   Avenue A  to Tompkins Square Park Handmade paper on cover  where I search for beauty

Ghost Whisperer

Still working on the details of my Book Art  Boxes  I will officially name BOOXES Black Boox:  The Ghost Whisperer