Textile Museum, Washington, DC On Saturday, September 16, over 60 fiber and textile artists in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area were invited to attend a meeting at the Textile Museum in Washington, DC. Camille Brewer, Curator of Contemporary Art, gave us an introduction to the new contemporary art programming at the museum. The upcoming exhibitions, workshops, and lectures will focus on textile art created by international and local (DC, Maryland, Virginia) artists. I really like the direction she is taking: It will offer both global and local perspectives of what is going on. The above image is of Lori Kartchner, Education Program Coordinator, explaining what the Educational component of the museum will be. Lynora Williams, the museum's librarian, discussed some of the rare and out of print books in the museum's 20,000 volume library collection. Their multilingual collection offers cultural, historical, artistic, and technical inform...
No two pages are alike. No two stories are the same. Unique books created with skill and passion.