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Showing posts from March, 2019

Needle Point Cover

Using wedding dresses to make the pages of my books has made me re-examine all of my family heirlooms and those of my friends -- those cherished handmade items made long ago by our grandmothers and other family members that sit in boxes, waiting for the perfect living room, the perfect house, the perfect place to put them, the perfect project . . .   Each year I say I am going to do something with them.  Another year goes by.  This beautiful needle point design was hand stitched more than 70 years ago by my close friend's grandmother. It was a pillow that wanted to be a book cover.  So I gently took out the seams, made a few repairs and bound it to my second book of the series -  Sonnet One.


Wedding Dresses One of the first things I do when I bring home a vintage wedding gown is deconstruct it and dye it. I love all of the colors and textures you can get from one dress.  This dress was 100% silk with a rayon lining and handmade lace. Stay tuned for the final book I made with this dress.

Happy International

Women's Day