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Showing posts from February, 2023

RaceB4Race: Poetics

What a dream to work with the scholars and staff at Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies! So honored to be part of the invited speakers to RaceB4Race: Poetics.  Here is the link to my talk Coloring Shakespeare: Book Arts, Wedding Gowns and Poetry

Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Poetics: A RaceB4Race Symposium What a joy to give a talk at the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies . I gave a presentation on my artistic practice and three recent projects which includes Love Sonnets from Shakespeare to Baltimore.  When the videos of the talks are available on YouTube, I will post a link on my blog.

Love Sonnets from Shakespeare

To Baltimore: Book 18 Wet A Widow's Eye by Suzanne Coley Linocut and silkscreen on handprinted textile, 2022