Experiencing Korean Culture at Daejeon International Center, South Korea One week ago, I set out on my adventure to find a museum dedicated to the history of education in Korea. I had my map, the address, and I knew which metro trains to catch. I thought that I was well prepared -- until I got out of the metro station in the old part of town, which meant all the signs were in Korean and Chinese characters. I was lost. Walking around cities in Korea, I quickly learned that there are streets with names and there are just as many streets with no names. These "no name" streets are back alleys, and they are just as vibrant and active. And then there are underground passageways, busy with markets, vendors, and city life. I was so turned around and lost, that when an elderly women smiled at me and waved to follow her, I instinctively did so. She led me down the street, speaking quickly in Korean, and waved me to go into some building. When I didn't move, she poin...