Wedding Gown Book Project

For the past few months, I've been working with wedding gowns from my local thrift store.  Most of these gowns were made with modern synthetic materials and created within the last 15 years.  When I began deconstructing them to make fabric books it was great to get a first hand look at the complex and layered construction of wedding gowns: layers of tulle, cotton, rayon, polyester, acetate, and lace.  These thrifted wedding gowns were great for practicing new techniques and mastering the art of constructing and deconstructing formal wedding gowns.

Last week I was given a unique opportunity to create fabric books using the most beautiful vintage wedding gowns I've ever seen.   I feel blessed and very honored to turn these dresses into new narratives, while maintaining their cultural charm and historical significance.  

And, I am thankful for all the practice I've had over the months to get an in-depth understanding of the numerous textiles, styles, patterns, tailoring, and construction of wedding gowns.
