100 Days of COVID-19, Day 36

My Art in the Time of a Pandemic

Keep moving
Today I spent most of my time in the studio experimenting with silkscreens and linocuts.  It felt refreshing to work at my own pace, in my own space -- just concentrating on creating stories.  

*Coronavirus Disease 2019:
Update in Maryland- 5/5/2020
27,117 confirmed cases 
1,390 deaths  

Update in New York State - 5/5/2020
321,192  confirmed cases 
25,124 deaths, (no longer reports number of deaths in NYC - change in interface)

Total in United States: 1,204,351 confirmed cases, 71,043 deaths
Total Worldwide:       3,662,101 confirmed cases, 257,207 deaths

* All numbers are taken from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
