100 Days of COVID-19, Day 100

My Art in the Time of a Pandemic

In the last 100 days, I've seen a significant shift in my art, my style, and my thoughts.  This pandemic has made me look deep within myself, our culture, and our world.  Mirrors have been cracked.  Broken. There are no replacements.  Truth can no longer hide behind fancy facades and empty speeches.  Truth can't be altered and twisted.  I also see brilliance and strength.  It is all around us, holding us up when we think we can no longer stand.  Continue to stand strong, practice truth, and find the light wherever you are.
   ~ Suzanne

*Coronavirus Disease 2019:
Update in Maryland- 7/23/2020
80,836 confirmed cases 
3,409 deaths   5,434 recovered

Update in New York State - 7/23/2020
409,697 confirmed cases 
32,594 deaths    72,466 recovered

Total in United States: 4,034,831 confirmed cases, 144,242 deaths
Total Worldwide: 15,439,456 confirmed cases, 631,926 deaths

* All numbers are taken from Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
