Postcards made during COVID-19

Sending Good Cheers and Beauty During Tough Times

During COVID-19, I've made over 450 postcards.  In April I mailed around 60 cards to members of the African American Quilters of Baltimore, to let them know that I was thinking about them.  We couldn't meet in person and I wanted to send them something beautiful in the mail.

I decided to archive the rest of the postcards. They have become a wonderful record of how I experienced each day during COVID-19, especially the beginning days of lock-down.  

*Coronavirus Disease 2019:

Update in Maryland- 12/23/2020
257,862 confirmed cases 
5,568 deaths   9,128 recovered

Update in New York State - 12/23/2020
878,702 confirmed cases 
36,873 deaths    96,185 recovered

Total in United States: 18,381,991 confirmed cases, 325,097 deaths
Total Worldwide: 78,471,775 confirmed cases, 1,725,959 deaths
