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Showing posts from September, 2021

African American Quilters of Baltimore

Volumes 1 & 2 The African American Quilters of Baltimore was founded in 1989 with the primary goal to offer support and information to African American quilters in an environment of acceptance and welcome. Many "quilt sisters" have participated in our program over the years. In 2018, book artist Suzanne Coley wanted to honor the members by inviting them to submit a mini-quilt top that represented their aesthetic, style or favorite quilting technique.   Suzanne received 37 quilt tops and transformed these quilt tops into book pages. On the left side of each quilt, Suzanne hand silkscreened the name of the maker of the quilt. Our youngest member, Jasaiya Keyes made the video. Many thanks to all the hands that contributed to this project.

Ferris Wheel in Times Square

Bright lights, a pandemic, and a ferris wheel.  It was a ride like no other.

Haute Couture Inspirations

Museum at FIT When I'm in NYC I always try to visit the Museum at FIT.  Their exhibitions are always wonderful and I leave inspired.    On the left: Evening dress by Parisian haute couture house  Boué Soeurs .  Silver  lamé  twill, net, and chiffon dress; silk and metal  appliqué; glass beads.  Founded by two sisters,  Boué Soeurs was known for creating elaborate ensembles using delicate fabrics.   Signature elements included  Alençon and Duchesse lace, embroidery, ribbon work, and gold & silver textiles. On the right:  Silk evening gown by Alexander McQueen from his Spring 2007 Sarabande collection.  The fine details of this elegant 1930s style dress, embroidered with designs of climbing roses made my heart skip a beat when I first looked at it.  The embroidery and tailoring were  breathtaking! Ravishing: The Rose in Fashion, on exhibit at the Museum at FIT until 28 November 2021, FREE