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Showing posts from February, 2018

Art, Science, and Technology: 2018 NYC Art Residency

Coded Pages My artist's residency in New York City is going well.  I love integrating art and science in my designs and look forward to creating more.   After learning how to code my designs on the computer, I decided to make textile books that use new technologies and traditional methods. Creating handmade books offers a final product that takes students through the multiple layers and steps of design. I love the mathematical precision that coded designs offer.  I plan to combine the coded designs and embroidery with original hand painted textiles.

Find It, Keep It

On Tuesday, February 13, I placed one of my books in the School of Visual Arts, NYC exhibit  Walk With Me.     Thanks to SVA, I was given permission to make my book part of their wonderful interactive installation.   Walk With Me  is curated by faculty member Liz DelliCarpini and will run until Saturday, March 3. Walk With Me  is a collaboration between MPS Art Therapy students and the people they work with at their various internship sites.   I met with Ms. DelliCarpini a day before the exhibit opened and she explained, "The therapeutic goals of this art installation are to find inspiration in our differences and to reveal similarities between us that often slip by unnoticed." I hope you get a chance to experience this unique exhibition.  And, remember, if you find my book, you keep it. Follow me on Instagram for details.

Book Arts:

What is it? Do you know any book artists?   To celebrate my love and passion for creating unique handmade books with you, during the month of February I will leave a handmade book at a local public library.  You find it, you keep it. Today I am leaving a book at Towson Library in the Teen Section. I remember the first time my grandmother allowed me to touch one of her beautifully textured and layered artist's books.  She often used textiles and mixed media fiber art to make her books. Hers were scented with herbs stuck between the pages.  As I turned each page, the experience was multisensory.   During her time, these beauties were not considered art, but were "evidence of existence" and "bound memories." *Follow me on Instagram , to find out where the next books will be left.